I Island, a British island that is not part of the UK!

Isle Of Man is bordered by Scotland to the north, Wales to the south, England to the east, and Northern Ireland to the west. The island was first inhabited by Celts and then conquered by the Vikings who eventually established the island kingdom. In 1266, under the Treaty of Perth between Norway and Scotland, my island was officially ruled by Scotland, and as a result of this one-hundred year dispute between England and Scotland, the English were ultimately victorious.

Isle Of Man is an island in the Irish Sea and is about 426 kilometers from London. The island has a population of about 85,000 and does not see many tourists during the year. Maybe about 300,000 people have just visited the island in 2018, a small share compared to 2.4 million White Island tourists! Although the island is located in all four directions neighboring Britain, it is not part of it!

Even today, my island, such as Jersey and Guernsey, is technically separate and independent from Britain, but politically independent and has independent parliament and local government. Of course, in the defense of the constitution, the United Kingdom is in charge of defense and is represented in the international community. In terms of its division, the island is not part of the Commonwealth; it is in fact considered semi-autonomous.


It is also not part of the European Union, but within the EU’s customs territory. By this account, the island’s independence is the most important part of its personality. They say they are not part of Britain or England, but Manx.

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